
Mituna x Kankri - I want to love you

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Kankri was walking through the forest while reading a book his brother had given him. I was quite good so far, with lots of romance and friendships blooming in it. He smiled to himself as he walked and read. Right as he finished the chapter he was on Kankri heard the sound of sobbing. He looked up from the book and searched his surroundings for the cause of the sound. His gaze fell upon Mituna who was sitting off to the side of the path, his skateboard inches away from him. Yellow tears were running down his face. Kankri looked at him and felt bad for him, even if he was triggering in many ways. He put a bookmark in his book and walked over to Mituna. Mituna looked up at Kankri then looked away.

"Y0U C4N G0 4W4Y, 1 KN0W 1....1'M C4U5H1NG TR0UBL3......1'M 50RRY"
"Why are you s9rry Mituna? I must admit y9u are causing a triggering sight 6ut that d9esn't mean y9u have a right t9 6lame y9urself unless y9u did s9mething wr9ng. 6y what I see y9u feel 9ff y9ur skateb9ard again. That isn't s..."

Mituna placed a gloved hand on Kankri's mouth then removed it.

"1.....1 D1DN'T F4LL 0FF, 1 W45H PU5H3D 0FF 4ND.......7H3Y HURT M3"
"Wh9 hurt y9u Mituna? Wh9 push y9u and wh...."

Kankri shut up, he knew he would have to take this very slowly. He had to shorten his questions and his speech.

"W3LL 17 W45H F15H8U77 7H47 D1D 7H15.....H3 PU5H M3 1N70 4 7H0RN 8U5H 4ND W4LK3D 4W4Y L4UGH1NG."

Kankri felt angry, Cronus knew very well that Mituna was to be left alone since his Matespritship with Latula fell through. He clinched his fists, Mituna was his moirail and he would not stand for this. As Kankri was about to get up and go find Cronus, he was pulled down into a tight hug. He looked at Mituna who was crying worse now.

"Mituna, please let g9. I need t9 g9 talk t9 Cr9nus."
"N0.......1...1....D0N'7 W4N7 70 833 4L9N3 4NYM0R3"

Kankri calmed down and pulled back to look at Mituna. Yellow tears still pouring down his face. He looked so helpless. After the accident that had hurt him everytroll slightly made fun of him. Never to his face normally, unless you were Cronus. He had never really cared about Mituna's feelings or if he was handicapped. Cronus always made Kankri's blood boil and was always on his case. The Ampora family was composed of a bunch of freaks who always were desperate to fill their quadrants. It made Kankri sick. Kankri's attention went back to Mituna on the ground. He put his hands on Mituna's helmet and lifted it off his head. Mituna's hair fluffed out, he looked just like a Dandelion. It was cute and suited him well. Kankri blushed slightly, he had always had slight flushed feelings for the Captor. After seeing his brother, Karkat, with Sollux who was Mituna's brother he had felt like falling in love as well but he hadn't known who to fall for. It was after watching Mituna skateboard that he found out who he wanted to have flushed feeling for. Sadly he had taken an Oath of Celibacy, meaning he couldn't love anyone. So he had to stay alone and watch as the others found happiness in companionship. Kankri hadn't noticed that Mituna was looking at him with a concerned look on his face. He had moved some of his hair out of his face to see Kankri.

"WH47'5H 7H3 M4773R K4NKR1? Y0U 533M 54D"
"EH! 9....9h I ap9l9gize for my sudden silence. I was l9st in my th9ughts and it was rude 9f me t9 d9 this. I'm s9rry Mituna I s..."

Kankri was silenced again as Mituna placed a simple and delicate kiss on his lips. When Mituna pulled back Kankri was blushing badly and looked at Mituna. He was giggling at him with a light yellow tint on his cheeks.

"H3H3H3H3 Y0UR 4LL R3D K4NKR1"
"I....I kn9w.....w..why did y9u d9 that Mituna? Y9u kn9w I t99k an 9ath 9f Celi6acy."
"1 KN0W, 8U7 1'M FLU5H3D F0R Y0U 4ND 1 D0N'7 C4R3 1F Y0U T00K 4N 047H 0R N07"
"6.....6ut I'm n9t all9wed t9 6e flushed f9r anytr9ll."
"C4N'7 Y0U M4K3 4N 3XC3P710N F0R M3"

Kankri didn't even try to say no he just nodded a yes and Mituna kissed him once again. The two hadn't noticed Cronus walk up, he watched the two kiss then spoke.

"WVell look wvhat wve havwe here. A cute little couple of DORKS!"

He laughed at them as the pair turned to him and blushed. Kankri stood up and was ready to give him a long talking to.

"Cr9nus I swear to G9G that I am sick and tired of you 6elittling me and f9r hurting Mituna! Y9u have n9 right t9 hurt us 9r any 9ther tr9ll f9r that matter. Y9u sh9uld kn9w this is very triggering t9 n9t just me 6ut everytr9ll in Alternia. I am very cr9ss with y9u m9re s9 than I have ever 6een and I will n9 l9nger stand for your crude ways 9f acting or treatment 9f the 9thers. I w9uld have th9ught y9ur father w9uld have taught y9u 6etter than that and.....that's all I have t9 say t9 y9u."
"Awv wvhat's the matter Kankri? Is the fact you broke your own oath bothering you?"

Kankri was about to speak again when Mituna stood up and punched Cronus right in the nose. Cronus back tracked and held his nose as it bled.

"K4NKR1 H0P 0N"

Kankri turned to see Mituna on his skateboard holding out his hand. Without hesitation Kankri took his hand and hopped on the skateboard behind Mituna. They moved forward and Kankri's arms instantly went around Mituna's body. He held on tight as they sped up and away from the mad sea dweller.


Mituna slowed the skateboard in front of his hive and laughed. Kankri had his eyes shut tight and his arms tight around Mituna's body still.

"K4NKR1 W3'R3 H0M3"
"We are?"

Kankri opened his eyes to see the Captor hive in front of them and smiled.

"Indeed we are."
"Y3P, H3H3H3"

Mituna and Kankri hopped off the skateboard and walked to the front door. Mituna opened it and walked inside with Kankri trailing behind him closely. The hive seemed empty, or so far it seemed. The sound of a TV was coming from the living room and the two peeked around the corner to see Sollux and Karkat wrapped in a blanket together. They seemed to be to much into their movie to notice that they came in. Mituna and Kankri sneaked past the kitchen where their dad's were talking. Don't want to get them asking questions. The two made their way up the stairs, being extra careful not to slip and fall, and headed to Mituna's room which he shared only went into to get clothes, be alone, or hang out with a big group of friends. He slept with his brother because he hated being away from him. Mituna sat on his bed which replaced his recuperacoon. The humans had proven to them they would sleep well if they had beds and it was true they did sleep well.

"Mituna d9 y9u have a first aid kit in y9ur 6athr99m?"
"1 83L13V3 1 D9"

Kankri left the room and went to the bathroom in search for the first aid kit. He found it behind some other medicines and herbs in jars. Taking it he quickly went back to Mituna and sat next to him. Mituna looked at him, his hair going everywhere. His helmet was laying on the ground tossed to the side like trash.

"Can y9u please unzip y9ur suit s9me s9 I can treat y9ur w9unds."

Mituna unzipped his suit to his waits and pulled out his arms. A yellow tint was on his cheeks as he sat in front of Kankri half naked. Kankri looked at Mituna's many cute, scraps, bruises, and scars. He felt terrible for the poor thing seeing all the pain he went through. With the medicine from the first aid, Kankri got some cotton balls and put the medicine onto them. He cleaned the fresh cuts and placed bandages on them. In some places there were thorns that he had to take out and had to repeat "sorry" many times when Mituna winced or whined because of the pain. After about 5 minuets all of Mituna's cuts had been cleaned and wrapped and all of the thorns were taken out.

"7H4NK5H K4NKR1, Y0UR R34LLY GR347 M4735PR173.....3H 1 M34N...FR13ND"
"Friend? I th9ught y9u were flushed f9r me?
"I d9n't care ab9ut that stupid 9ath anym9re. I want t9 6e happy like my 6r9ther is with y9urs."

Mituna smiled and hugs Kankri tight, Kankri hugged back without hesitation and they stayed that way for a while. Kankri pulled back blushing his blood color as did Mituna and right as they were about to kiss, Sollux opened the door and just stood there. He looked at his brother and then to Kankri with a confused look on his face. Then a wide grin spread on his face and he leaned on the door frame.

"II 2ee you have 2educed my brother. II never knew you had iit iin you Kankrii."
"Well y...y9u see I....I...."
"Waiit tiill KK hear2 about thii2."

Sollux turned around and went back down the stairs to get Karkat. That was when Kankri freaked out.

"What are we g9ing t9 d9? Karkat and father are g9ing to cull me for this. I d9n't want t9 die. I want t9 l9ve y9u Mituna. I'm s9 scared I...."

Kankri was cut off bu Mituna's lips locking with his own. After a moment Mituna pulled back and smiled sweetly while he pushed his hair back out of his face.

"C4LM D0WN K4NKR1, 0UR F4M1L135H 5H0ULD UND3R574ND 0UR L0VE 1F 7H3Y L0VE U5 45 MUCH 45 7H3Y 54Y R1GH7"

Kankri nodded calmed down at his matesprite's words. Their families should understand, if they didn't they were living in the wrong hive. A moment later the door opened and in came Karkat, Sollux, Piioniic, and The Sufferer. Piioniic looked at the boys with a smile, while The Sufferer had an expression that showed he was thinking. After a while he spoke and Kankri smiled at his words.

"II'm fiine wiith thii2 my friiend."

Kankri smiled from ear to ear and Mituna hugged him tight. The adults left the room and as Karkat and Sollux were leaving Sollux turned and said.

"IIf your done makiing out, come watch thii2 moviie wiith u2."

After that Sollux shut the door and left the two alone. They looked at each other and laughed, this was going to be a great matespritship.
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